
If you’re looking for an Exciting Internship
this could be the place for you!

Iprovidenow under the Corporate Responsibility and development in the Greek market, gives students of universities, technical colleges and vocational training institutes the opportunity to make their internship in our company. The students should contact directly the secretariat of the attending faculty for any information or for registering their application.

What is the Internship?

The opportunity to work for some months as an employee at a company associated with your studies.

Why doing an Internship?

To gain experience and improve your CV and use the knowledge you have gained to smoothly start your professional career!

Where i can get more info?

Visit the website of your university or contact the responsible for the university’s internships teacher.

What do the others say?

Read below other interns testimonials and get inspired to make the decision to work with us.

  • Χατζηιωάννου Αναστάσης – Aug. 2016
    Μόλις τελείωσα το τρίτο έτος των προπτυχιακών σπουδών μου στο Πολυτεχνείο Κρήτης, στο τμήμα των Ηλεκτρολόγων Μηχανικών και αποφάσισα να κάνω την πρακτική μου στην iprovidenow. Η εμπειρία αυτή ήταν πολύ σημαντική, καθώς είχα τη δυνατότητα να παρακολουθήσω πως γίνονται διάφορες διαδικασίες σε επαγγελματικό επίπεδο, να αναπτύξω εφαρμογές σύμφωνα με τις προδιαγραφές που ζητούνται και με τα σωστά εργαλεία, και τελικώς, να επεκτείνω τις γνώσεις μου για το web development. Η χρόνος που πέρασα στην iprovidenow ήταν γενικά ευχάριστος, χάρη στο ζεστό περιβάλλον του γραφείου και το κλίμα ομαδικότητας και συνεργασίας μεταξύ των συναδέλφων.

    Anastasis Chatziioannou
  • I trully believe that I was more than honored to work at a company such as iprovidenow. There, i not only took my knowledge on to a next level but I also had a tremendous opportunity to meet and work with intelligent and hard working young people. They supported me through my training process and gave me the tools needed to become a true entrepreneur. Through my work there, I was able to gain knowledge on the Business Marketing field, a field that I have never been able to explore before. At the end of my collaboration with the company, I was more than confident that because of iprovidenow, i now have all the knowledge i wanted to use on my master program.

    Mikaela Zitti
  • Working for a start-up is an excellent and totally new experience for a post-graduate student as I am. I am working in “iprovidenow” with the clever and very meaningful motto: Your business To the next level Our business. I choose to work in this start-up company because I am interesting in helping new and mini companies to develop their business. Another advantage is that you learn new things from a variety of fields where you have to research in order to make a small and an unknown company or product competitive internationally. I like to work there because I always want my ideas and work to  become the solution for a company’s dream.  

    I am almost 3 months in my volunteer job and I am so exciting about it! Working on a start-up means that your work will be used immediately. I like the three stages that iprovidenow has in order to make your company or product competitive and known. I like it very much because I have to exercise my imagination and my strategy skills very often. For instance when I need to find a way to rebuild the identity of a company or a product. Moreover I like the business development, to make your company or product famous. I like this part because you have to deal, promote and convince the consumers and other companies that you have something perfect. Through the entire time, everyone in the team is ready to answer my questions or solve my problems. I learned many things, such as how to recreate a company or product, responsibility, professional skills and most importantly how to work as part of a team.

    Nowadays professional experience and teamwork skills are far more important than university lectures. There are many young people armed with knowledge who are looking for new companies to start-up. Passionate young people who wants to obtain work experience, meet interesting people and of course add news things in their CV’s and LinkedIn. Working for world famous companies is everyone’s dream but you can live the same dream now by getting involved in a start-up. Just send an email out! It’s that simple!

    George Giakoumis

Let us know more about you.

Even if you dont have the perfect CV, show us your passion for your work and we will get interested!