If you are involved with organic visits from Google for your business or your customers, the new algorithm announced by Matt Cutts, the “head” of Google, is what suits you!

How do you see the impact of Panda 4.0;

Due to the impact on sites through the story of Panda described below, it is important for all businesses to view again their physical visits closely during the next few weeks, for unexpected declines by using Google tools (analytics, webmaster’s ) and not only!

Details about Panda 4.0

The details so far are limited, since Google has not added any information beyond the tweet announcement of Matt Cutt, while still touitare the Search Engine Land article. It seems that they have provided some info somehow. They describe the latest version of Panda as :

“The Panda 4.0 should be a great and important update for the actual algorithm against simple refresh of the data… Aside from talking about Google, it sounds like this information to be more generous to some sites, and to provide groundwork for future changes in this direction. The Google says the new Panda 4.0 affects different languages to different degrees. For example , in English the impact is about 7.5 % of the questions affected to an extent that can observe a regular user. ”

What is Panda;

The Panda is the name of a series of major algorithm update from Google that dates back to early 2011. In order to reduce the visibility of low- quality sites with “thin ” content . It was also originally known , since the goal was to reduce the visibility in the search rankings of sites, in which their holders could submit keywords (keywords) poor quality. Also, sites that copy content from other websites also punished. Articles and sites with reviews or ” Made for AdSense» sites having ads above the content , also received sanctions from the update. The sites that contain content of high quality and unique material such web sites publishers , blogs and business sites were less affected .


The Panda updates that continued throughout 2012 and 2013, give more details about what Google is looking into this update.

So far, we expect a more formal and detailed announcement by Google.